The High Court considers that the capital gain tax is unconstitutional in these cases, very common since the outbreak of [...]
Few weeks after the start of the summer season, the Balearic Islands Government, entities and companies continue to laps with [...]
The price of housing for rent in the Balearics has experienced unparalleled growth in recent times. In the first quarter [...]
The Governing Council of the Balearic Islands has recently given its approval to the draft law that will regulate holiday [...]
Few weeks to the beginning of the tourist season and continuing with the follow-up we made to the situation of [...]
Recent data from the Balearic Government confirm that the economy of the islands grew by 4.1% in 2016, the highest [...]
The Spanish Constitutional Court has recently annulled the municipal tax on capital gains. This tax levies the revaluation of real [...]
The EU has thoroughly examined the regulations of the Anti-Fraud Act 2012 on the declaration of property abroad and has [...]
The draft of the law that must regulate the holiday rental in the Balearic Islands has not left anyone indifferent [...]
During last year was verified that Balearic Islands, and mainly Mallorca, is one of the most attractive Spanish territories in [...]