A review of the Balearics Tourism Law

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At the beginning of the month the moratorium for the granting of new tourist rental licenses came into force after the text of the amendment to the Balearics Tourism Law was published in the BOIB, after having been approved by the full Parliament on the 18th of July.

The amendment makes special reference to two questions:

-regulation of the commercialization of tourist stays in housing.
– the establishment of a real roof of tourist places.

The Government of the Balearic Islands has sent a letter to all public administrations that have a registration to inform the public that no new declarations can be submitted responsible for starting the tourist activity (DRIAT) until the insulars “consells” and the City Council of Palma establish the areas suitable for this economic activity.

The new tourism law that has entered into force declares those responsible for infringements related to the sale of tourist stays in illegal housing to property owners as well as to potential exploiters and marketers. The law introduces a modality called «main housing rent», when the commercialization is carried out by the same owner in its main dwelling for a maximum period of 60 days in a period of one year.


General requirements for residential tourism marketing

  1. Can be marketed short-term tourist stays in residential homes always carry out this marketing proprietary or made by operators or any of tourism marketing channels, on the terms set down by law.
  2. You can only carry out the activity of commercialization of tourist stays in dwellings if it is done in residential dwellings that have the habitability certificate in force or the corresponding title.
  3. Only new tourist commercialization of residential housing can be carried out that are located in areas declared expressly suitable.
  4. It’s not possible to commercialize tourist stays in any house with respect to which a firm sanction is imposed for serious or very serious infraction of the urban legality, as long as this legality is not restored.
  5. The residential houses that are the object of tourist commercialization have to prove the sustainability by obtaining the energy certificate that is determined by regulation.
  6. The houses that are subject to tourist commercialization that present a responsible declaration must have the systems of control of the consumption of water that are determined by regulation. In addition, they must be provided with individual meters with respect to other energy supplies linked to the dwelling, such as electricity or gas.
  7. You can’t touristically subject to market any residential dwelling or has been subjected to official protection regime or appraised price.
  8. The marketing person must meet all regulatory requirements requiring activity include: requirements that may be demanded for exercising business activity;the labor law, if you have hired staff;and tax-related requirements contained in the specific regulations.
  9. The marketing of tourist stays person must submit to the Directorate General of Police information concerning the stay of the people staying in them, in accordance with the rules of public safety.
  10. Users hosted people have to meet the applications of coexistence and public order and in cases of horizontal property, the internal rules of the homeowners where the property is located.
  11. The stays that are commercialized tourist must consist in the temporary assignment of the right of enjoyment of the totality of the house by short periods, understood like stays by days or weeks, without a stay can be more than one month.
  12. The tourist stays regulated in this chapter are incompatible with the formalization of contracts by rooms or with the coincidence in the same house of users who have entered into contracts.
  13. The companies that sell tourist accommodation in residential dwellings must sign an insurance policy that covers civil liability and, in the case of houses subject to the horizontal property regime, to cover any damages that may be caused by users to the owners community.
  14. The residential dwellings in respect of which the responsible declaration is presented in order to start the activity of commercialization of tourist stays must have proven the minimum seniority that is determined by regulation.

Do not hesitate to contact us to have more information related to the tourist rental in Mallorca.