The price of housing in the Balearic Islands keeps going up

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Data from recent statistics cast the following conclusions: The average price of second-hand housing in the Balearic Islands has increased by 1.2% in May compared to the previous month, bringing the value to 2,108 Euros per square meter.

  • This figure is 25.5% above the average in Spain.
  • Balearics are the fourth most expensive autonomous region in Spain, only behind the Basque Country, Madrid and Catalonia.
  • The price of new housing in the Balearic Islands has risen 3.1 percent in the first quarter compared to the same period of the previous year.

Balearic Islands are in the spotlight of foreign investors looking to buy a property in the Islands. Last year, the volume of transactions by international buyers exceeded 1,600 million, which implies a 50% increase over the last two years. Luxury properties are the most sought after by European buyers, more interested in buying rather than renting, which has caused a significant increase of the average price so far this year in different areas of Mallorca.

Citizens of Scandinavian origin are playing a very active role in this situation. They have focused on Mallorca to acquire a holiday home, which reaffirms the trend detected by the registrars during the last months of 2016.


Mallorca is popular among the Swedes, and the question is, why? Their fascination for the island is relatively recent and is based on various aspects: the weather, the strength of the Swedish currency (1 euro is equivalent to 9.6 crowns) and the shortage on the real estate industry in this Scandinavian country, which makes it almost impossible for its citizens to acquire a house. Factors that together have caused overwhelming buying and selling. Among the top areas in which the Scandinavians are acquiring properties, highlight goes to Palma center, the old town and various municipalities of Serra de Tramuntana.

Furthermore, there is a neighbourhood in the centre of Palma targeted by every Swedish who wants to invest in Mallorca: Santa Catalina, known as «little Sweden».

If you are interested in buying a property in Mallorca please do not hesitate to contact Ripoll&Mateu Solicitors Mallorca.

We’re specialists in Real Estate Law in Mallorca and we offer comprehensive advice on the process of buying and selling property.